It will be a peaceful day when women take over the world. - Redjezebel

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Exxon's Big Push & Our Answer

You know when you have a little voice whispering in your ear that "something isn't quite right here" and you swat it away? And as time goes on, it gets louder. in hindsight it seems like a screaming monkey. Well, recently I encountered a screaming monkey, or rather a pack of them. First I have to come clean. I am a CNN addict. And I don’t mean a 4-times a day addict, but more like 20 or 30. And my drug of choice? CNN video! I love a quick does of Arnold putting his willy here-n-there, or Anderson’s ridiculist... the sugar, the rush, my dirty little secret to keep me company in my boxed-in office. I simply can’t do without it. I work alone so the people in those videos, they are my friends. Or so I thought.

For every video you call up on CNN first you MUST sit through a 30-second commercial. They are always different, or so I thought. That changed drastically as the last couple months they have always been the same. I tried to ignore it at first, busying myself for thirty-seconds as I waited for my video to start. But the commercial kept repeating, day in, day out, and so the whisper started. Then the days turned into weeks and then months until it was like a wild pack of monkeys taking-over my car in a zoo, or better yet, my sacred computer, with such force I could no longer ignore the message. And when I listened, as I listened, I became extremely concerned. I mean why was it SO important to the company sponsoring the commercial for me to be on their side that they COMPLETELY monopolize all of CNN's ad space? What they were doing must be pretty heavy to put this kind of campaign into action. And what could hold the attention of those viewers over and over again all day? Is it a movie star? Is it a naked movie star? Is it a bus hitting a little old lady in a crosswalk? No, it is a “scientist”!! “Now what’s wrong with that?” you say. “I was hoping the focus of our media crazed society would be education rather than exploitation!” you say. Au contraire mon friar! These are evil scientists. They are the ones who will cut you up into little pieces and sell the bits to the highest bidder. Or at least they will cut the world up into little pieces and sell the gas to the highest bidder ruining our most precious life source – water.

Click the link below to see the commercial:

I am sure in the last two months I have seen this commercial over 1000 times. (Yes, it’s been a bad moment for my addiction.) I have NEVER seen ANY commercial on CNN more than once or twice, EVER. And now I see NO OTHER commercial on CNN. The key to successful marketing is comfort ability. The key to comfort is to repeat something so often it feels “normal”, it feels “comfortable”.

So, Exxon is spending a LOT of money on pushing its “environmental” agenda. Why? Why now? This is the largest oil company in the WORLD! This commercial talks specifically about retrieving this new source of energy - “gas underground”, otherwise known as FRACKING! If you don’t know what that is, I suggest you check out the links further down. It will blow your mind, literally. Have you ever seen drinking water catch on fire and blow up? Have you ever seen that happen IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN SINK??!! Has anyone in the history of human existence contaminated an entire water table as large as the Eastern United States?

Tell me, do you need clean water? The commercial says “these deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years”. Is a hundred years of fuel worth a thousand years or more of a destroyed eco system and water table? How important is gas as it relates to water to you? Apparently they think it isn’t that important to you. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE TELLING US!!! WATER IS NOT IMPORTANT!! Economic growth is what’s important. But wait, what about the cost to replace the all-important water that is being destroyed? It will surely cost more to solve a water crisis in this country right? NOW YOU GET IT! It will cost more to US, the taxpayer, in the end. The corporation, the money-maker, will be charged A BIG FAT ZERO. Now you say to yourself: “so I lose my water, and so do my kids, my grandchildren, and then we all pay for the cleanup for decades, probably centuries?” NOW YOU GET IT!!!

So, “what can I do?” you ask. I HAVE AN ANSWER! It is easy and simple:
1) Repost this on all your social networking sites (VERY important)
2) Write CNN and ANY OTHER NEWS OUTLETS who carry these commercials (Hulu, are you listening??) and INSIST that they remove these commercials IMMEDIATELY. Tell them you don’t appreciate the gross misinformation being perpetuated as “truth” to the American public.
3) Write your Representatives (see links below) and tell them to vote against Fracking and vote for regulation of this industry. (You don’t have to write a long letter. Just write: I am angry that Fracking is being considered and I want it to stop. I also expect that the chemicals that have been used in the process should be considered, tracked, regulated and cleaned up from our water. I am paying attention to how you vote!!) Also encourage them to discourage these commercials as they perpetuate ignorance and apathy.


Most Sincerely,

In ONE easy step, contact your representatives:
(it takes less than 5-seconds)

If you want to write a more personal note, see here:
US Senate followed by a link to the US House of Representatives:

In the upper right hand corner, you can enter your state to find your representative.

(State Links, google “your state” + “legislature”)
NJ -
Conn -

If you don’t know about FRACKING, check below:
(In other words: to see a kitchen sink catch fire click “Gasland Trailer”)

Gasland Trailer:

Gasland Home Page:

A Colossal Fracking Mess – Vanity Fair
June 21, 2010
The dirty truth behind the new natural gas. Related: A V.F. video look at a town transformed by fracking.

Frack Fluid Spill in Dimock (PA) Contaminates Stream, Killing Fish
Sept 21, 2009 – Pro Publica

Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling
by Abrahm Lustgarten 
April 26, 2009

Media Bites – re: Exxon Mobil commercials – why they were made and who is really giving us the right information.

Erik Oswald Reader Comment site: “star” geologist of first commercial.

And Finally, the ONLY supportive, "independent" article about the “scientists” who made these Exxon Commercial

Who wrote the article? Answer: AAPG.
Who/what is AAPG?

AAPG: in their own words:
The membership of AAPG includes geologists, geophysicists, CEOs, managers, consultants, students and academicians. The purpose of the organization is to foster scientific research, advance the science of geology, promote technology and inspire high professional conduct. Learn more .

AAPG “Code of Ethics:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What I KNOW, how that feels & what it feels like to not know...

It's nice to know that I KNOW what I know. It feels good, not because I am right, but because it is the way of light, love & inner peace, REAL inner peace. This leaves room & comfort to grow & change. I accept myself which leaves my soul open to seeing what I need to do to further my spirit & nurture the earth & all its creatures. It leaves me open to learn from other life forces, even if they are different than I, even if I don't understand them.

What I KNOW:

I know loving another, no matter their sex, is a worthwhile & beautiful act. I know that violence begets violence & I choose to use logic rather than fists & putrid language with my opponents. I know even distribution of wealth makes the human race much more human. I know it is every person's right to be educated in the art of critical thinking & logical thought if we hope to not only grow as a species, but to avoid certain destruction keeping open thought for a select few. In other wods, we ALL deserve to believe in ourselves & our gifts. I know that if there is a Goddess worthy of my attention She wouldn't mind if I didn't worship Her in a temple, but rather through my actions. I know money & frivolous objects won't make me happy or save my soul.

But.. I wonder... what is it like to think you know what you think you know & preach like you know, but not REALLY know. I wonder what it feels like to be so wrong. How does that FEEL?? I wonder what it is like to scream how close to your spirituality (or God) you are because of this most tragic lie you tell yourself. I try to imagine what it would be like to have my spirituality upside down & follow it with such blind conviction. Our inner spiritual self is the very core of our essence, our being. How does it feel to have such a mistaken sense of self, the spirits, the God/Goddesses, prophets... (Prophet Jesus, an activist against the status quo, would be offended at the interpretations of his words.)

Hmmmm... I wonder... but it's okay if i don't know the answer to that one.... it means I KNOW. I don't need to know what it feels like to not know.