It will be a peaceful day when women take over the world. - Redjezebel

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What I KNOW, how that feels & what it feels like to not know...

It's nice to know that I KNOW what I know. It feels good, not because I am right, but because it is the way of light, love & inner peace, REAL inner peace. This leaves room & comfort to grow & change. I accept myself which leaves my soul open to seeing what I need to do to further my spirit & nurture the earth & all its creatures. It leaves me open to learn from other life forces, even if they are different than I, even if I don't understand them.

What I KNOW:

I know loving another, no matter their sex, is a worthwhile & beautiful act. I know that violence begets violence & I choose to use logic rather than fists & putrid language with my opponents. I know even distribution of wealth makes the human race much more human. I know it is every person's right to be educated in the art of critical thinking & logical thought if we hope to not only grow as a species, but to avoid certain destruction keeping open thought for a select few. In other wods, we ALL deserve to believe in ourselves & our gifts. I know that if there is a Goddess worthy of my attention She wouldn't mind if I didn't worship Her in a temple, but rather through my actions. I know money & frivolous objects won't make me happy or save my soul.

But.. I wonder... what is it like to think you know what you think you know & preach like you know, but not REALLY know. I wonder what it feels like to be so wrong. How does that FEEL?? I wonder what it is like to scream how close to your spirituality (or God) you are because of this most tragic lie you tell yourself. I try to imagine what it would be like to have my spirituality upside down & follow it with such blind conviction. Our inner spiritual self is the very core of our essence, our being. How does it feel to have such a mistaken sense of self, the spirits, the God/Goddesses, prophets... (Prophet Jesus, an activist against the status quo, would be offended at the interpretations of his words.)

Hmmmm... I wonder... but it's okay if i don't know the answer to that one.... it means I KNOW. I don't need to know what it feels like to not know.