It's nice to know that I KNOW what I know. It feels good, not because I am right, but because it is the way of light, love & inner peace, REAL inner peace. This leaves room & comfort to grow & change. I accept myself which leaves my soul open to seeing what I need to do to further my spirit & nurture the earth & all its creatures. It leaves me open to learn from other life forces, even if they are different than I, even if I don't understand them.
What I KNOW:
I know loving another, no matter their sex, is a worthwhile & beautiful act. I know that violence begets violence & I choose to use logic rather than fists & putrid language with my opponents. I know even distribution of wealth makes the human race much more human. I know it is every person's right to be educated in the art of critical thinking & logical thought if we hope to not only grow as a species, but to avoid certain destruction keeping open thought for a select few. In other wods, we ALL deserve to believe in ourselves & our gifts. I know that if there is a Goddess worthy of my attention She wouldn't mind if I didn't worship Her in a temple, but rather through my actions. I know money & frivolous objects won't make me happy or save my soul.
But.. I wonder... what is it like to think you know what you think you know & preach like you know, but not REALLY know. I wonder what it feels like to be so wrong. How does that FEEL?? I wonder what it is like to scream how close to your spirituality (or God) you are because of this most tragic lie you tell yourself. I try to imagine what it would be like to have my spirituality upside down & follow it with such blind conviction. Our inner spiritual self is the very core of our essence, our being. How does it feel to have such a mistaken sense of self, the spirits, the God/Goddesses, prophets... (Prophet Jesus, an activist against the status quo, would be offended at the interpretations of his words.)
Hmmmm... I wonder... but it's okay if i don't know the answer to that one.... it means I KNOW. I don't need to know what it feels like to not know.
I am a warrior, witch, sorcerer, unapologetic feminist, earth mother, filmmaker, teacher, & student. Most of all I am a WOMAN who understands that the art of critical thinking is lost in our current culture & in order to restore balance & logic women must take back their power. For without this fundamental change, & shift in ideals, the human race cannot survive.
It is every woman's responsibility to insist, never ask, for equality. Asking gives the impression it is another's to give. It is not. It BELONGS to us.